01 Definition
Design ethnography approximates the immersion methods of traditional ethnography, to deeply experience and understand the user’s world for design empathy and insight.
---- Universal Methods of Design
Ethnography is a research method designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher observes society from the point of view of the subject of the study. An ethnography is a means to represent graphically and in writing the culture of a group.
---- Wikipedia
- It's fully participant - first-hand exploiter
- Long-term engagement
- Inductive - collect info, find pattern
- Truthful, watch do people actually do - it’s different from they said to what they are doing - there exists a gap
Suited Context:
- Have a long term time span: it need time to build up trust between researchers and subjects. Also, it takes time to study people in their natural settings from comprehensive aspects.
- Define problem space and the goal of ethnography.
- Find the subject related to the goal.
- List general questions to lead the conversation flow.
- Be in the place earlier to explore the environment and layout.
- Set up audio/video recording.
- Observe subject and dig deep for interesting topics.
- Take notes of behavior, facial expression and time during the session.
- Write down immediate reflection of the fieldnotes.
- Transcribe and summarize insights.
- It might result in bias when observing the context
- Topics and theme should be captured on site, instead of prepare ahead. Researchers should find out the meaningful part and explore further.
- Sometimes it takes months or even years, so it's time consuming
- Researcher could experience and observe the subject and the context in person.
- Fieldnotes is first-hand information and reflection on site. It's useful for future data analysis.
- Usually, it requires for a long term, which makes data more comprehensive.